Personalize your session

Photography has changed so much in the last few years. We have moved away from props and signs as a focal point of your photos to a storytelling style that emphasizes who you are. When Kelsey reached out to me with ideas about her engagement session with Greg I was so excited to capture it. These two have the most adorable home and wanted to share some moments there with me. We listened to their favorite records, danced, and snuggled with Zeus.


If you're a little nervous about relaxing in front of the camera, find ways to put yourself at ease with a distraction. An activity like playing music is a great idea. Another way to relax is by having one of your favorite drinks in hand. It gives you something to hold on to when you are feeling awkward... hot chocolate, coffee, craft beer, a cocktail - you name it!

Break the session up

Sometimes, just one location isn't enough for a session. Take time to think of a second activity or location to include during your session to add variety to your photos. Kelsey and Greg have a plot at the community garden near their house so we headed there for some fun photos of them harvesting a few plants. Afterwards, we explored the other plots and took some cute photos along the way.

Be flexible

If you are from the Midwest, you know that weather can be unpredictable in any season. This session was no different. Kelsey and I watched the weather closely ahead of their session and saw some pretty concerning storms coming our way. We made a quick decision to adjust our start time so we could squeeze the session in before some rain made an appearance. Luckily, the session was perfect and the weather wasn't as intense as the forecast predicted.